The social network group that I chose is
Flipped Learning. I have heard flipped education; however, I have not tapped into it until this mod. Flipped learning is more learner-centered than traditional education. Learning is not limited to classroom anymore; instead, learners can learn both inside and outside classrooms with supports of technology in their learning, which can meet learners' different preferences on learning.

I found it exciting to know this approach which I will definitely incorporate in my future classroom. After having checked the website, I found another website which is categorized under flipped education--
PaGamO. PaGamO, an online platform, designed by Dr. Yeh and his students, enables learners to learn through playing online games. Learners can choose games according to their levels and grades, and use this tool to gain knowledge through competing with others. Unlike traditional learning, learners will find interesting to acquire knowledge through playing games.
To conclude, Flipped Learning provides information about how to use flipped learning and what features are of flipped learning. Before incorporating flipped learning in my future classroom, I will definitely check this website to see if there are anything that I should be cautious about.
I think it is really awesome that you not only checked this site out but that you found a site you really liked on here, PaGamO. I also admire the fact that you will use this as a resource to find out what you should not do *before* you engage in a flipped lesson rather than just diving in. I think that's a great way to approach something so new to you.