Stephanie Norman provides fifteen ways to use Twitter in education. She points out that "By using Twitter in education, you can post only a few short sentences, but that is exactly enough to transmit the essence of your message (2016)." She also mentions ways to incorporate Twitter in education. Among them, I have not thought of using Twitter to "survey students" and "write mini reviews." Teachers can create a survey and invite students to do a survey via Twitter. Also, Twitter can be a tool for students to write short reviews of a book or movie. Due to the fact that users can only post few short sentences, students can develop their skills on writing and eliciting the essence of their thoughts. I think it is a important skill that students should acquire because most of the time, we should know and be selective about which information is important or unimportant.

To conclude, I would definitely use Twitter in my future classroom. It provides a platform not only for teachers to make important announcement, but for both students and parents to get involved in students' learning. I think Twitter gives opportunities for teachers and students to share, inform, create and advertise anything they want in online settings-- those critical features cannot be ignored in education.
I have the problem of students rambling and not getting to the point easily. I think the point is well taken that by liming the number of characters, you force students to chose words carefully and in a TL class or ESL class, this can enhance language learning or acquisition.